30th of September 2024 represents nothing less than a milestone for Deepinsight and Norwegian health technology. Our AI solution, Deepinsight Hero, was demonstrated at the highest level, to The Minister of Health and Care Services Jan Christian Vestre and Minister of Trade, Industry and Fisheries Cecilie T. Myrseth at Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus (LDS).

Caption: From left to right; Olav W. Haugå (Founder and CEO Deepinsight), Minister of Health Jan Christian Vestre, Minister of Trade Cecilie Myrseth, Tone Ikdahl (Adm.dir LDS), Øystein E. Søreide (Adm.dir Abelia), Arn Meland (Clinic manager surgery LDS)

Political attention to innovation in the healthcare industry

On the same day that the Labor Party (Arbeiderpartiet) put forward its proposal for a new health reform – one coherent health service – Vestre and Myrseth chose to spend time at LDS to see how Deepinsight Hero creates value in practice. Their visit is a clear sign that the results we have achieved together with our hospitals have not gone unnoticed. We are proud to have received political attention for our innovative AI solution and our contribution to a safe healthcare service with more predictability and shorter waiting times.

Results that speak for themselves

Since March, Deepinsight Hero has been operating at LDS, and the results are encouraging:

  • 18.5% reduction in waiting times for operations
  • 26% more operated patients than last year, which was already a record year
  • Persistent change which will help to reduce waiting lists in the long term

These results are a direct result of our optimized resource planning, which enables hospitals to do more with the same resources. This is crucial to achieving national targets for shorter waiting lists and better patient care.

Efficiency and quality in Norwegian health

Deepinsight Hero is a tool that has led to significant improvements in resource utilization at LDS. The Minister of Health, Vestre, and the Minister of Industry, Myrseth, received a thorough introduction to how our technology not only reduces waiting lists, but also frees up time for planning personnel by automating manual, time-consuming processes that previously took several days. Now these tasks can be solved in a few hours, and the freed up time is spent on patient care rather than administration. Innovation is not necessarily straight forward, but the effect you get from focused effort and collaboration produces user-friendly systems that also make the workplace a place where employees thrive.

Photo credit: Ministry of Health and Care. Caption: Nurse Benedikte Drage demonstrates how they use Deepinsight Hero to Minister of Health Vestre and Minister of Trade Myrseth

A public-private cooperation that works

During the visit, it was also discussed how the public and private sector can work together to create value in the health sector. Our collaboration with LDS is a prime example of how this can be done. We are proud to show how innovation between the private and public sectors can contribute to solving major societal challenges. At the same time, we see great potential for exporting our technology to international markets, and we hope the government will make necessary arrangements that help bring the Norwegian health-tech market abroad.

Good cooperation between the public and private sector is key to creating valuable solutions to the healthcare sector.

The future of the Norwegian healthcare system

With the right support and measures from the authorities, AI-based resource planning systems such as Deepinsight Hero can contribute to value creation at all hospitals in Norway during the next 6-9 months. As Health Minister Vestre himself said, together we can create extreme results for the health sector.

We at Deepinsight are ready to continue our work to improve resource utilization and the patient experience at Norwegian hospitals. The future looks bright, and we look forward to contributing with even greater innovation and value creation in the health sector - both in Norway and internationally. 🚀