Learn More about What's Moving at Deepinsight

Enjoy reading about different topics that are close to our hearts.

To Deepinsight-ansatte prater sammen i et arbeidsmøte.

Health Data: What It Is and What Opportunities It Brings

Health data can greatly benefit the health sector in the form of digital tools. But what exactly is health data, and how can it be utilised?

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In the media

Deepinsight moves into the healthcare sector: Article in Shifter

We have shared our thoughts with the Norwegian newspaper Shifter about our move into the healthcare sector. With our new investor, Kernel, on the team we are going to build data-driven solutions that will give a better day-to-day life for healthcare employees and the patients.

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Collaboration with DIPS to Improve Patient Care

DIPS is Norway’s leading supplier of eHealth to Norwegian hospitals, and has great amounts of data and knowledge. Deepinsight is the technology company that is transforming this data into useful products and services. Now, the two companies will be working together in order to streamline and improve patient care.

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Increased Use of Data Will Strengthen the Healthcare Sector

Data and technology provide endless opportunities to streamline and improve today's healthcare services. The challenge is to ensure privacy along the way.

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Client stories

Machine Learning Model Finds the Correct Drug Dosage in Advance

In collaboration with Diakonhjemmet, Deepinsight has developed a machine learning model which customize medical doses to the patient’s unique genetic data.

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We're Growing - Meet Our New Deeps!

Deepinsight has been growing, and we are thrilled to welcome our newest Deeps, Eirik, Henrik and Carl Martin to the company. We are excited to have them on board and the additional competencies the new members bring to the company.

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We Are Eco-lighthouse Certified!

On May 20th, Deepinsight became Eco-lighthouse certified! Thereby, committing ourselves to work towards being a sustainable and environmentally friendly business.

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I media

The story of Deepinsight: Interview in Shifter

Olav shares his story of how he founded Deepinsight in the leading Norwegian tech & innovation newspaper Shifter.

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We Would Like to Welcome Hanna Zdanowicz!

We would like to welcome the newest addition to our team, Hanna Zdanowicz!

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software engineering machine learning

Welcome Ivan!

This August, we are happy to welcome Ivan Dervisevic to our team. Ivan is an infrastructure and architecture nerd who is now returning to his roots in machine learning.

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Client stories

Building Software to Fight COVID-19

Deepinsight is proud to be part of the team building a system called ReMin, to help Norwegian municipalities track the COVID-19 virus.

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The Pros and Cons of Using Jupyter Notebooks as Your Editor for Data Science Work

TL;DR: PyCharm’s probably better

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